
Online Workshop WP5 – Integration of knowledge and results to improve the industrial relations

  • When Jul 27, 2023 from 10:00 to 11:45 Add event to calendar Add event to Google Calendar
  • Where online
  • Attendees 10 -10:10 Introduction UNIFE – Davide Antonioli 10:10-10:30 Presentation of the IRsmart results UNIFE – Davide Antonioli 10:30-11:30 Discussion of the IRsmart results: Round table with the project’s partners and experts on: working from home and the different regulatory frameworks; companies and PA in front of the work from home challenge and the industrial relations role; integrating smart-working and smart cities through the contribution of the social dialogue Project partners Alessandro Margherita, University of Salento Carmen Mihai, Imago Mol medical imaging cluster Federica Cochi, National President Apiqa Cgil 11:30-11:45 Wrap up and takeaways UNIFE – Davide Antonioli
  • Web Visit external website

The IRsmart project aims to improve the expertise and knowledge of industrial relations, with an extension focused on the tripartite social dialogue (social partners and public authorities), through a comprehensive research, grounded on quantitative and qualitative data analysis, on the relations between smart-working and smart cities across a set of heterogeneous countries, with local focuses on regions and cities.

The results integrated in the concluding report show the heterogeneity of the partners’ countries in dealing with the pandemic induced work-from-home, in providing regulatory frameworks for smart- working, in showing digital preparedness, in the role of industrial relations and social dialogue in managing smart-working issues.

The present workshop intends to provide some of the results of the project and stimulate a discussion, propaedeutic to the definition of main takeaways and implications.